Experts in Substrate Heating


We are available to provide in-depth advice and assistance to ensure that the customer requirements are met to the highest standards. Where bespoke solutions are required, our in-house team of Design Engineers is available to create one-of-a-kind systems to advanced specifications. If you require a custom system please contact us to arrange a consultation.

Products Overview

At Thermic Edge, we specialise in cost-effective, high uniformity Sample heaters, Heater Stages, Vacuum Furnaces, Vacuum Pumps and Chambers to research and industry for thin film deposition and sample processing. Sample heaters can be supplied with retainers or clips to hold a range of semiconductor wafers or samples.

All heaters go through comprehensive testing. Our in-house testing capabilities include helium leak checking, full temperature testing using vacuum test system and uniformity testing using a FLIR thermal imaging camera. Thermic Edge is ISO 9001 Certified.

The Thermic Edge design team work closely with clients to provide:

  • Professionally managed projects from start to finish
  • Cost effective solutions using standard Thermic Edge components and assemblies where possible
  • Detailed technical drawings and written specifications
  • 3D CAD models
  • A heating solution that is supplied fully tested and ready to integrate with your system
  • Manual detailing installation and operation instructions
vacuum heater wireframe
wafer heater
wafer heating flange mounted sample heater
sample heater schematic
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